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Peter's Ranch Toby

May 23, 2008...It is a very sad day here. Toby was 13 and would have been 14 in July. He had been Walt's right hand man and our family's best friend for all of these years.

Rest in peace sweet Toby, we will all miss you and your antics.

Toby was a real character. We could go on for hours with his antics. Our favorite story is how he had learned to honk the horn when he is getting impatient with Walt. If Walt was playing cards at the local restaurant in the winter, Toby will start honking from the pickup...too funny!!

He learned that when Walt honked at the cows when feeding, they came to eat. It got to the point where he'd honk and Walt comes to the pickup...

This boy was with Walt no matter if they were fishing, farming, working cows or watching TV.


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